Our sector experience Over the last two decades Glued has had significant sector experience in these sectors: Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability Education case studies Food ATP: fresh brand thinking De Montfort University: Standing out in a crowd Coventry University PRINCE2® Northampton College: Building a powerful local brand Aston University: BIOEN-NW PYROFAB DEMOSTRATOR Birmingham Newman University: helping people achieve Bangor University: Tracking down an elusive audience Coventry University, Faculty of Art & Humanities: Ideas for Selling De Montfort University: collective benefits Leaping Man Learning: Securing futures Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability SME case studies Business support workshops Illuminate VR Grantcf: dormant data CW Growth Hub Group Grey Wolf IP: innovative with a guardian of innovation Change Aesthetics: looking at your best Risk Evolves: proposition development Esmail Architects: building the brand Phil Ingle Associates: when it’s all in the name Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce: developing proportion workshops GW Consulting International: Improving reputation Warwickshire Events: the friendly bear Search Lotto: results that reward Loxley Business Support Exact Logistics: efficiency on every level Core Clinics: Evolving a brand for high performance Business Ready: Driving Innovation An Unconventional Convention Fountain People & Performance: a splash of colour Risk Evolves: the value in customer research Breeze Consulting: change made simple Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce: Local impact for 120 years Distinctive Taxis: Growing Business Ambitions Purple Monster – Seeing the wood BIPC Worcestershire: Helping Worcestershire thrive Real Conversations Work: Bringing teams together Libera: cultivating a quality pipeline Espresso Design: Digital doors University of Warwick Science Park: Every innovation starts somewhere Strategio: A clear path to new consultations Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability Charity case studies Boosting the effectiveness of marketing activities The Shakespeare Hospice – Is a Hospice a home? Helping Hands Community Project: a platform for the future Coventry Pride: Celebrating diversity Royal Life Saving Society: Sharing drowning prevention Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability Engineering case studies KAJUL: Brand design and development Kajul: sales at the School gate Lean Engineering & Manufacturing Academy (LEMA): Next generation for Apprenticeships Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability Sustainability case studies Food ATP: fresh brand thinking Walker Institute: aligning perceptions for a new climate research organisation Aston University: BIOEN-NW PYROFAB DEMOSTRATOR Further and Higher Education SME Charity Engineering Sustainability