KAJUL: Brand design and development
“Glued gave me a very good platform to go ahead and start promoting my business.”
Karl Hamlin, Owner, Kajul

Context: KAJUL is a Midlands-based design development company that specialises in delivering innovative, cost-efficient engineering solutions to meet your specific requirements.
The requirement: Glued was briefed to create a brand identity, proposition and marketing resources including a website to support a business growth plan. The brand needed to reflect the innovative engineering solutions offered by the expert team.
The outputs: In an ideal world progressive engineering businesses would have in-house design and development facilities. Tight financial gearing in the industry means few can afford to have the expertise offered by Kajul on hand.
The first stage of this branding project was to identify a core proposition. This first research phase resulted in a distinct proposition that described what the business did and the value it could add. The next phase was to create an identity that could be used flexibly. The outcome was a stylised K with sharp lines and a metallic effect.
The results: The brand has been applied to on and offline marketing materials. The website and digital sales presentation have allowed for a more effective sales process. Ultimately the business has expanded significantly as its brand now shines a light on the valuable difference that clients will benefit from by partnering with KAJUL.