New brand Real Conversations Work launched to make having a challenging conversation that much easier.
Common place in many businesses is an issue with a team member that, over time, becomes more and more challenging to deal with. During her career to date, founder Sarah Tomson, has noticed that in many teams’ issues would arise when people weren’t able to have honest and frank conversations with each other. Every leader she’d met had something in common: they were all sitting on at least one tricky conversation, that they were putting off having. Avoiding these conversations didn’t make the situation any better.
The business started three years earlier as Sarah Tomson Associates.
Sarah had been working with Leamington Spa based brand agency Glued to help shape marketing campaign messages and the businesses’ valuable difference since launching in 2018. Glued had developed a website and marketing for the original brand over a few years. The business evolved and this was reflected in a fun brand language using emojis. Sarah and the team concluded the name of the business need to change to reflect this evolved approach: Real Conversations Work was the result.
David Wilson from Glued commented “Sarah’s whole approach to team development is so refreshing: at its core is the idea that people rarely want to do a bad job at work and often hidden issues build up to cause problems. A conversation aimed to resolve those underlying issues is likely to result in a better outcome.”
The new brand has been applied to an updated WordPress site which Glued has created together with social media and digital assets.
Sarah Tomson added “The biggest impact of working with Glued was building our brand and being able to refer prospects to our website knowing it tells our story. The new brand helps us stand out from our competitors in a really distinctive way.”
Real Conversations Work is continuing to expand in 2021 taking on another member of the team in July. Find out more about the businesses at